Welcome! I invite you to enter this site where I hope you will find inspiring places to hike and visit. I hope you can gain practical information for your own treks, and as this site grows, where you will meet other travelers on their adventures to places that you might want to explore.
I hope the photos will entice you to visit and stay awhile. While most of the travel that my husband Ralph and I have done outside the U.S. has been hiking-related and in the country-side, we also love spending time in cities and villages where we can learn about local cultures and customs.
Generally we seek less visited places. We try to avoid crowds and favor soaking in the beauty of our surroundings in peace and quiet. We prefer to go at our own pace—allowing time to take photos and make spontaneous changes to our schedule. However, we also like to play tourist occasionally. After all, the places popular with tourists are that way for a reason—they’re beautiful, have an intriguing history, or have some kind of unique charm.
The photos above are from places in the United States, South America, Africa, and Europe. Some are from places very near our home, others are from far-flung destinations. It would be impossible to answer which place we have visited was our favorite, but every place we have been has been wonderful enough that we would visit again if we had the time and opportunity. What a world we live in!
Please feel free to contact me with questions you may have and with suggestions for future articles. Thank you for visiting my new website!
Happy travels!
Susan Alcorn
More Pictures for you to Enjoy!