Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales & Tips, Nov. 2024

Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales & Tips, #297. Nov. 2024

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

1. Basic information on Camino Spanish Culture

2. Camino interest: Somewhere Along the Way
3. Looks like three PCT miles to gain greater protection?
4. Opinion on the boot vs trail runners question
5. Tara Dower sets a new Fastest Known Time (FKT) on the Appalachian Trail
6.Wild turkeys
7. Regional: East Bay Regional Parks
8. Ferry Rides to S.F. – including some free ones.

9. Our latest Ridge Trail hikes: Doris Klein, Sugarloaf Ridge, Bothe-Napa Valley 

#1.“Spanish Culture for Pilgrims: What to Know Before You Go”. Iowa Chapter Coordinator, Dr. Dawn Bratsch-Prince’s presentation on Spanish culture. From the American Pilgrims on the Camino (American Pilgrims). Bratsch-Prince shared her popular talk from this year’s Annual Gathering, Spanish Culture for Pilgrims: Everyday Cultural Norms. “In this video, Dawn highlights 10 basic cultural concepts every pilgrim should know before starting a Camino journey in Spain.”  Camino Spanish Culture for Pilgrims.

My rating: I think this video is a good one for new pilgrims (and some who are more experienced ones) because it covers some basics. And, although most of us who have already walked the Camino learned quickly that restaurants in Spain operate on a different time schedule than here in the U.S. However, those who have walked only in Galicia (which includes Sarria, a popular starting point), may not have learned about the culture and customs of the other 16 autonomies regions of Spain.

I like that Dawn covers the basics well, but it also reminds me of what is missed when travelers do not go beyond social media to gather information. Most questions on the Camino forums are about what to pack, what shoes to wear, where to start a Camino trek, where to stay/where to eat, etc. All of which can be useful information, but I think that something is lost when travelers don’t read books or articles (or watch documentaries) that go deeper into the history, culture, of where they are walking.  

#2. Somewhere Along The Way – TRAILER. Jane Tishkoff, member of the Northern California Pilgrim Group, recently posted on FB. “I had the privilege of walking with Dan Mullins, his wife, sister and 35 other Pilgrims as we walked from León to Santiago Spain in May”–(a 300+km walk). “After losing his voice and being told he would probably never sing again, he not only sang, but he wrote new songs and gave concerts nearly every night after we walked, and recorded an album which debuts on October 6th. Simon Burn is making a documentary about the walk which will hopefully be out by year end, or early next year. It’s going to be a joyous Camino movie, and we are all anxious to see it when it’s finished. Enjoy the trailer!” Documentary – Somewhere Along The Way – TRAILER  

#3. The Pacific Crest Trail news. A deal to conserve three miles of the trail looks like it may be wrapped up soon. “Deal Conserves 3 miles of the Pacific Crest Trail” Gregory Thomas, Sf Chronicle.  By Gregory Thomas, Travel & Outdoors Editor, Oct 17, 2024. 

Though the PCT passes through the area in question, it (and the rest of the 7,000 acres in the deal), it doesn’t belong to the PCTA (association). This new deal will conserve a parcel between Castle Crags State Park and Trinity Alps of Northern California. $5.3 million has already been brokered by the Trust for Public land, and the remaining amount to be paid, expected to be about $6 million, “is expected to come from the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund).”

This particular property has been owned, and logged, by the Sierra Pacific Industries. A very good sign that the entire conservation project will be achieved is that about half of the acreage is already being “ecologically restored,”— tearing out much of the paved roads, improving drainage to favor wildlife (including fish), and more.

More info: Unprotected gaps in the trailAs of 2024, hundreds of thousands of corridor acres and over 150 miles of the trail are still in private ownership and are susceptible to development, creating fragments in the corridor, and blocking the ability for plants and animals—and people—to navigate through. To create a connected corridor, the PCT must be fully conserved.” 

#4. Boots/Footwear: When Ralph and I did our first Camino hike, from Roncesvalles, in 2001, I wore boots. We had literally just completed another section hike of the Pacific Crest Trail/JMT and so I had no reason to think I would have foot problems elsewhere. But I soon developed blisters. Luckily, we were helped by a French woman, also on the trail, who told us about cloth tapes we could use.

Altra Lone Peak

Tape one was Medipore (brand name in U.S.), a soft, 1” surgical tape, that was/is great for wrapping sensitive toes individually. Tape two was Omnifix (elastic), which is a 2” medical tape that I wrapped all the way around the ball of my foot because I could cover my sensitive bunions. Both (or similar tapes) are available on Amazon and elsewhere and probably in most Farmacias in Spain.

As Ralph and I continued going back to Europe to walk other Camino routes, we noticed that most Europeans (most of whom had walked from home), continued to favor boots. But in the U.S., long-distance hikers increasingly were switching to trail runners. We soon joined them and have never looked back! I still wrap sensitive parts of my feet on some long-distance walk, but in general, I don’t need to). I’m not aware of anyone gathering statistics on footwear on the Camino–if so they would need to add sandals, but by observation, I have seen increasing number of people going for the lighter shoes. 

My socks have changed too. What I now enjoy wearing is ONE pair of socks–the  lightweight ones made by Tilley (Ankle Travel Sock).  Because it’s only one layer, made of a mystery fiber (from Italy), and lightweight, I know this is not the usual advice—but they work for me.

For hikes in the snow, I still go with a double-layer sock—Wrightsock. And recently, I have been trying a new sock, Farm to Feet, which was recommended, and gifted to me, by Jennifer Pharr Davis. They are “US Materials [wool], US Manufacturing, and US Workers.”

#5. Tara Dower: Read on Title Sports’s news that “Records were broken on the trails! Tara Dower (ultrarunner, Tara Dower, now has the fastest known time for completing the Appalachian trail. The Appalachian trail spans along 14 states, 2189 miles long and comes with 465,000 feet of total vertical gain/loss. It took Dower 40 days, 18 hours and 5 minutes. She beat the previous record by 13 hours. Dower averaged 54 miles a day!  With her goal to set the fastest known time, she also wanted to use the opportunity to fundraise for Girls on the Run (a nonprofit organization that hosts running programs for girls across the country). Dower had a goal of $20,000 and so far, she’s raised over $46,000.”

#6. Wild turkeys! According to Wildlife: Wild Turkey Take Off, turkeys can run up to 25 mph for short spurts. (National Geographic. Nov. 23, 2023.). Though  this is not so funny if they are running at people, we do have occasional interesting visits from them. When they first visited us, we didn’t realize they were on the premises. We thought the loud crash on our roof was from a tree branch that had landed. It turned out to be a couple of local turkeys that had flown from a rooftop further up our hill. 

San Francisco Bay Regional:

Sunol Regional Park

#7. As the East Bay Regional Park District this year celebrates its 90 anniversary, we also can celebrate by visiting some of its 127,000 acres in Alameda and Contra Costa County. EBParks is composed of 72 different parks and is the nation’s largest regional park system. 

#8. Richmond Ferry Rides to S.F. – including some free ones. It is a real pleasure, and luxury, to take the ferry from the East Bay to San Francisco. Some people don’t realize what a great city San Francisco is for walking, but there are many fascinating possibilities.

From November 1 to the end of 2024, there’s an additional bonus for you—the Richmond-to San Francisco ferry rides will be free on Fridays. Normally a roundtrip ride is $9.40 (some free or reduced fees for children and seniors). Catch the ferry at 1453 Harbour Way S., in Richmond.

Once you arrive in San Francisco, you can easily pick up the newly designated “Double-Cross San Francisco” trail at the Ferry Buildings and do at least some of its 14.5-miles. 

#9. Latest Ridge Trail hikes. Susan: I’m going to wrap this issue up for this month, but wanted to mention that this is a great time of year to do many of the Bay Area Ridge Trail hikes. Indeed the days are shorter, so plan accordingly, but because some of the sections in the wine country (Napa, Sonoma, Solano) get too hot for comfort in the summer and are now beautiful with fall color, it can be a real treat. We’ve just enjoyed the Doris Klein (trail in the new Patwino Worrtla Kodoi Dihi Open Space Park; Sugarloaf Ridge in Sugarloaf State Park and the Bothe-Napa Valley State Park (including a short section of the Vine Trail of the Napa Valley Trail).
Thanks for following me and hope you enjoy the news and suggestions.

Susan ‘backpack45’ Alcorn
Shepherd Canyon Books, Oakland, CA

Author of Walk, Hike, Saunter: Seasoned Women Share Tales and Trails; Healing Miles: Gifts from the Caminos Norte and Primitivo; Patagonia Chronicle: On Foot in Torres del Paine; We’re in the Mountains Not over the Hill: Tales and Tips from Seasoned Women Backpackers; and Camino Chronicle: Walking to Santiago.

Thank you everyone. Stay well, keep hiking when prudent. I encourage you to send in items of interest to the hiking community to me at backpack45 “at sign”

Please note: Hiking and backpacking can be risky endeavors. Always be prepared for emergencies and carry food, water, shelter (warm clothing, etc.), flashlight/headlamp, matches, first aid supplies, and maps. Cell phones don’t always work. Leave word where you are traveling and when you are due back.


Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales & Tips, August Bonus ADC issue


Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales & Tips, Bonus ADC issue, Aug. 12, 2024

Bonus—the All Day Carry Travel Pack (ADC+)
1. Jack London SHP to launch WILD Trail Challenge
2. 800 miles, 80th birthday, 80 trails
3. Fall travel in Humboldt County
4. Camino interest: American Pilgrims’ Gathering for 2025. May 15-18, 2025
5. ALDHA-West Gathering and Triple Crown Awards.

BONUS: Why the BONUS issue? Because I wanted to let you hear about Six Moon Designs’ release today of their All Day Carry Travel (ADC+)—an Adventure Travel Pack. SixMoonsADC pack link. They are a first-rate company that has previously brought such products as lightweight shelters/tents to campers and backpackers AND lightweight hiking umbrellas to all of us who want greater protection from the elements when hiking and traveling. We get a small commission if you buy through the above link, but wouldn’t promote it if we didn’t believe in it.

All Day Carry Travel Backpack“It was designed for such adventures as the Camino de Santiago (Spain, Portugal, France); Alta Vua 8 (Italy); West Highland Way (Scotland), Langtang Valley Trek ((Nepal); Sunshine Coast Trail (British Columbia, Canada). The pack is designed to “meet globe-trotting savvy, culminating in our lightest fully-featured pack ever at just 2.5 pounds. Roam ancient paths one day and connect seamlessly the next, enjoying personalized fit for all-day carry.”

“The ADC Travel Pack handles loads up to 35 pounds while its clamshell access keeps gear neatly at hand. For modern wanderers wanting one bag to rule airport and trails alike without forgoing simple pleasures, our new ADC Travel Pack is your ticket.”

Susan adds: Ralph and I recently received the All Day Carry packs and this weekend was our first hike wearing them. This was a relatively easy hike in Sonoma—6-miles, 550’ elevation—and did not require a backpack, but it was my first opportunity to carry it on a hike, so I wore it. It was so comfortable, that I can honestly say that most of the time I was not even aware I was carrying it.

I normally carry a “regular” backpack on the Camino or other major hikes, but our upcoming travel will take us to two different countries with two different kinds of travel. In Norway, we will be traveling by boat, bus, train, car, and plane to both tourist centers and to off the-beaten-paths. In Spain, we will be traveling on foot to complete the Camino Ingles. For a very detailed post on what and how to pack for a Camino hike, check out my blog post on the subject

Packing the ADC will require a different approach than conventional packs. It has multiple compartments, which allow one to keep items much more organized than a traditional backpack. While traditional backpacks can be loosely organized—sleeping bags and other bulky items in the bottom, heavier cooking gear and food next up, lighter bulky gear nearer the top—clothing, warm jackets, raingear, etc. according to the anticipated weather).

The compartments of the ADC will help keep things sorted out. It won’t be required to dig through the entire pack to find your clean underwear or sock, or your medication, sunscreen, comb, etc., your lunch bars. If you are working, or otherwise corresponding with others from the Camino, for example, you will find a separate compartment for holding a laptop. Art supplies, such as paper and brushes, could be packed neatly instead of becoming crumbled in a traditional pack. In other words, you can organize your pack so you can find and retrieve items easily once you decide what your needs are in luggage. You can check out the All Day Carry Travel Backpack here

#1. Press Release: “Jack London State Historic Park [Glen Ellen, Sonoma County] introduces WILD Trail Challenge. This will be five Saturday hikes – Each with increasing duration and/or difficulty Sept. 7-Oct. 5, 2024. Avid hikers and weekend warriors can answer the call of the wild at Jack London State Historic Park’s new WILD Trail Challenge, a series of five hikes on five consecutive Saturdays, covering every trail in the park for a total of 31.2 miles. Each week the hikes increase in duration and/or difficulty. 

“Participants can sign up for individual hikes or do them all and become a true “WILD One.”.The price for each hike is $25 (including the $10 park entry fee).  Those who sign up for all five hikes before Sept. 7 save 20 percent and pay only $100.  Details and reservations are available at  

“All hikes except Hike #3 begin at Jack London State Historic Park, 2400 London Ranch Road, Glen Ellen, CA.  Meet in the Ranch parking lot (turn right after the entrance kiosk). Hike #3 begins at Sonoma Developmental Center, 15000 Arnold Dr, Eldridge, CA. Main campus parking loop at Arnold Dr. and Harney St.
Hike #1 – Historic Trails. Sept. 7, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. This hike explores the historic sites and trails of the park. Navigate both sides of the park to discover Jack London’s Beauty Ranch, London Lake, and the Wolf House ruins. Easy – moderate hike (approximately 3.5 miles roundtrip).
Hike #2 – Ancient Redwood. Sept. 14, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Meander through the redwoods and sunny oak woodlands of the park’s three Bridge Trails (Upper, Lower, and Fallen). The journey travels to the majestic ancient redwood, fondly known as the Grandmother Tree.  Moderate hike (approximately 5.7 miles roundtrip).
Hike #3 – Historic Orchard, September 21, 9 am – 12:30 pm. Start Location: Sonoma Developmental Center, 15000 Arnold Dr, Eldridge, CA 95431. Main campus parking loop at Arnold Dr. and Harney St.
Stroll along the blue shores of Fern Lake before reaching the Historic Orchard. Learn about the history of the land and the fruit-bearing trees that bear produce donated to Farm to Pantry. Moderate – Difficult hike (approximately 5.5 miles roundtrip).
“Hike #4 – The Ridge Sept. 28, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Gain elevation and an appreciation for the diverse habitats found within the park. Hikers will also traverse part of the ever-growing Bay Area Ridge Trail. Moderate – Difficult hike (approximately 8.5 miles roundtrip).
“Hike # 5 – The Summit. Oct. 5, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Complete the hiking series with a trek to the park summit. Climb Sonoma Mountain to enjoy stunning views, celebrate with fellow hikers, and become a WILD One. Difficult hike (approximately 8 miles roundtrip).

“Hikers should wear sturdy hiking shoes and bring plenty of water for every hike. Participants will also receive an event reminder email 48 hours before the hike with updates about current trail conditions and hiking gear recommendations.
Susan: Also, don’t forget snacks (or lunch depending), sunscreen, and a sunhat.

“Dogs will not be permitted on any of the five hikes, which travel through the park’s backcountry trails and protected wildlife habitats.  For more information about dogs at the park, visit

“The hikes will highlight the history and natural beauty of the park while offering participants a meaningful fitness challenge.  Hikes will be guided by the knowledgeable staff and volunteers of Jack London Park Partners, the non-profit organization that operates and funds the park.

“For more information about the WILD Trail Challenge, contact Ciara Pegg at or 707-938-5216 Ext 5. Jack London State Historic Park, in the heart of the Sonoma Valley, is operated and funded by Jack London Park Partners, one of the first non-profit organizations to be entrusted with management of a state park on behalf of the people of California. Funding to keep the park going strong is generated from visitors, annual passholders and generous donors. Learn more about the park at and on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. [Thank you, Laurie Armstrong Gossy, for this info]

#2. Celebrating her 80th birthday and completing 800 miles. When Diana Coogle, who has lived off of the grid for almost 50 years in Applegate Valley near Ashland, Oregon, turned 79, she made a vow—she would hike 800 miles on 80 different trails by her 80th birthday. This year, on July 20, 2024, she celebrated her achievement and her birthday with friends—and a rare treat for her—a cake with sugar.

She had seen many advantages to the hiking goal (which sometimes involved backpacking as well) that she had set–doing something she loved, which would keep her healthy, and with family and friends. Indeed she achieved her goals, and then some, hiking not only in the Siskiyou Mountains, and the Rogue River of Oregon, but in the Alps in Switzerland.
Enjoy author and adventurer, Coogle’s blog here. “From the Mountains above the Applegate River”

#3. Fall travel in Humboldt County. Many who travel to this Northern California region in the fall find it to be a quiet, beautiful, less crowded, and exciting time to visit the redwoods. It’s a fantastic area for hiking and it’s a fine  time to try some of the Great Redwood Trail, the planned 307-mile trail from San Francisco Bay to Humboldt Bay.  “The legacy trail will travel through some of the wildest and most scenic landscapes in the United States, traversing old growth redwood forests, running alongside oak woodlands and vineyards, and winding through the magnificent Eel River Canyon.

There are already five segments open: Ukiah Rail Trail; Eureka Waterfront Trail; Humboldt Bay Trail; Arcata Rail-with-Trail; Annie & Mary Trail.”

I have found it challenging to find specific information on the segments, but you can start with the Great Redwood Trail Map here. You can also find some helpful info from the City of Arcata’s website here: Arcata Marsh & Wildlife Sanctuary

#4. Camino interest: American Pilgrims’ Gathering for 2025. “American Pilgrims on the Camino hosts its Annual Gathering of Pilgrims in a different location each year. “The 2025 Gathering will be hosted by both the Canadian Company of Pilgrims and American Pilgrims on the Camino.  It will take place May 15-18, 2025 at the UBC-Point Grey Campus in Vancouver, British Columbia. More details regarding the 2025 Gathering will be announced soon. Members will be notified by email when registration opens. Not a member? Join today!

(The 2024 Gathering was held in Hunt TX, near San Antonio). The Gathering is an opportunity to share experiences, to support one another and learn more about the Camino and the pilgrimage experience.  Camino authors, educators, artists, and more inform and inspire on a wide variety of Camino topics.

“Current members receive a special, timely notice to register for the Gathering which allows for discounted registration.  For over a quarter of a century the Gathering has sold out each year.  By continuing your membership in American Pilgrims, you will receive an exclusive registration invitation and a discount.  The special bonus is spending quality time with hundreds of fellow Camino pilgrims. Additionally, if you renew your membership, we’ll send you a pdf ebook written by Camino luminary Johnnie Walker, called Room for Everyone: Pilgrim Guide to Santiago.”

Gathering Details: “Full registration at the Gathering always includes all plenary and breakout sessions, entertainment, receptions, three nights’ lodging, and eight meals (Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast). Commuter registration includes everything but lodging and breakfast. There’s a wonderful program planned with something for everyone. More information available from the American Pilgrims

#5. ALDHA-West Gathering and Triple Crown Awards. The Gathering 2024: Sept 27-29, will be at Camp Augusta in Nevada City, CA. The Gathering is a place for ALDHA-West members to come together to celebrate and share their thru-hiking adventures. It also includes a talent show, talent show, a gear panel, and the Martin D. Pappendick Award for Trail Angel of the Year, and more.

There are two types of tickets available depending on which days and events you are interested in attending. More information here/the link to register/and to log in for the 10% discount to ALDHA members. 
The gathering includes the Triple Crown Award Ceremony, which honors those who have completed the Pacific Crest, Continental, and Appalachian trails. Triple Crown applications are open through August 31. Those applying for the 2024 Triple Crown Applications APPLY HERE
Susan ‘backpack45’ Alcorn
Shepherd Canyon Books, Oakland, CA

Author of Walk, Hike, Saunter: Seasoned Women Share Tales and Trails; Healing Miles: Gifts from the Caminos Norte and Primitivo; Patagonia Chronicle: On Foot in Torres del Paine; We’re in the Mountains Not over the Hill: Tales and Tips from Seasoned Women Backpackers; and Camino Chronicle: Walking to Santiago.

Thank you everyone. Stay well, keep hiking when prudent. I encourage you to send in items of interest to the hiking community to me at backpack45 “at sign”

Please note: Hiking and backpacking can be risky endeavors. Always be prepared for emergencies and carry food, water, shelter (warm clothing, etc.), flashlight/headlamp, matches, first aid supplies, and maps. Cell phones don’t always work. Leave word where you are traveling and when you are due back.


Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales & Tips, August 2024

Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales & Tips, August 2024


On the Camino del Norte

1. Six Moon Designs: Backpacking, hiking, and travel-accessory company to introduce exciting new products on August 12th.
2. Camino interest: How to do the camino in a wheelchair
3. S.F. Bay Area Wheelchair-Fr
iendly Trails 
4. Camino interest: How To Get to Saint Jean Pied de Port (to start your Camino)

5. Wildfires
6. How to select a tent site
7. Camino interest (Regional): Crying on the Camino Day in Sonoma
8. Reader Question: How can I safely hike through an area with grazing cows?

#1. Six Moon Designs, a company specializing in backpacking/hiking equipment, is about to make an announcement about an innovative new set of products. Ralph and I were invited to try this new equipment—which we will carry when we walk our next Camino route (the Ingles). We are excited to be able to share the news. I plan to send photos and information about these new product in a special edition of this newsletter on August 12, the release date.  

While you are waiting for these new products to be launched, you might like to read about backpacks so that you can choose wisely. Backpacks (or daypacks) are not all alike and different kinds can be found to suit various uses whether it’s a few miles in the regional parks near you, a two-week backpacking hike on the John Muir Trail, a thru-hike on the Appalachian Trail, or a week or more on a Camino route through Spain, Portugal, France, and more. 

#2.Camino interest: How to do the Camino de Santiago in a wheelchair. Ivar Rekve is someone who most people interested in the Camino soon learn provides many services to pilgrims. He posts informative videos about what’s happening in Santiago, conducts interviews with pilgrims, runs a Facebook forum, and stores items at his Casa Ivar for pilgrims who want to ship items ahead to Santiago  rather than carrying them on their journey.

This summer, Ivar “had a nice conversation with Rob, Betsy and Menisha about their adventures on the Camino de Santiago, and how Rob and Betsy did it in a wheelchair” (actually two wheelchairs!).  You can watch here

Rob and Betsy, and Menisha (Betsy’s full-time caregiver) live here in Oakland. They have been active members of the Northern California Pilgrim group for quite some time.  At some of our events, Rob and Menisha have been able to share some insight–into the challenges and delights of Camino walks–with our local camino group. 

Mentioned in the video: DisCamino in Vigo: Disability tag on the forum:…
Discamino’s write up about Rob and Betsy’s trip is here.
here services are free!

#3. Regional: East Bay Wheelchair-Friendly Trails. You may be familiar with a few–Mary Bowerman Trail on Mt. Diablo, Marsh Creek Regional Trail, or the new Marsh Loop in Martin Luther King Shoreline, but it might be helpful to know about other options. Look here for ideas.

 #4. How To Get to Saint Jean Pied de Port (to Start Your Camino). This link will take you to the website of American Pilgrims on the Camino where you will find the rest of their recent, excellent article about getting to and home from the best known route, The Camino Frances. 

“The Camino Francés is the most popular Camino route and Saint Jean Pied de Port, France is the second most popular starting point. Last year, over 30,000 people who ended in Santiago chose Saint Jean as the place to begin their pilgrimage.

“This cute little French village doesn’t have an airport and isn’t on a major rail line. In Camino forums and even our own Facebook group, the question of how to get to Saint Jean Pied de Port is frequently asked. If you’re also trying to figure it out, read on for advice on how to sort out your travel logistics.

#5. Wildfires and information link here. As you know, there are hundreds of wildfires currently happening in the  U.S. — especially in the West. A link, from the federal government, for seeing where they are, how active the fires are, and more information, is here. Link  here

#6.  How to select a tent-site. Hints for selecting the best site and to follow Leave No Trace guidance. Avoid causing damage to the lovely place you just enjoyed. Pick a site that is:
1.Relatively flat (and not in a depression that will collect water), and off-trail. If there is a slight rise, be sure your head will be higher than your feet.
2.Convenient for water—but following any regulations. A food rule of thumb would be, generally, not within 200 feet of lakes, etc. This can also help you avoid insects such as mosquitoes that prefer still or stagnant water.  
3. Durable surface—think packed earth or a layer of pine needles or leaves rather than a fragile meadow.
4. Protection from weather. Consider from which direction the wind, rain, etc. are moving so that you can shelter. 
5. Forested areas can be great, but avoid solo trees that can be targets for lightning. Look up and see if the nearby trees have been struck previously.
6. Consider the temperature. The bottom of a canyon or valley will be colder than higher elevations.
7. Look at nearby trees, etc. for scratch marks that might indicate bears in the area. Similarly, keep your eyes open for scat.
8. Pick a dry spot—if that’s an option!

#7. Regional: Sonoma, CA. “Crying on the Camino” Day in Sonoma: Saturday, August 10, 2024. Sponsored by American Pilgrims on the Camino, this special day offers a blend of outdoor adventure, local culture, and captivating storytelling. The performance will be held at the historic Sebastiani Theater next to the Sonoma Plaza in the center of town.

The day’s optional pre-show events include:
10:00 AM — Caminata de Sonoma “Start your day with a 6-mile walk around historical downtown Sonoma and the nearby hills. Enjoy the scenic beauty and rich history of this charming town.
12:30 PM — Picnic and Wine Tasting: Gather for a communal picnic and wine tasting near the historic Sonoma Plaza. Relax and indulge in some of Sonoma’s finest wines while mingling with fellow pilgrims.
3:00 PM. The show: Crying on the Camino, a play written and performed by Celeste Mancinelli, a renowned storyteller and performer, brings to life the profound experiences of pilgrims who traverse this ancient path. Through a blend of heartfelt narratives, poignant reflections, and captivating dramatization, she explores themes of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and the transformative power of the Camino.”

Although the name might make the performance sound sad, Martin Pena of the Nor Cal pilgrim group, who (with the help of Jeanne Wailes, and Laurie Ferris, Chapter Coordinator) has  pulled this day of fun, interesting, and exciting events together says, “I consider it a comedy.  The tag line is “A Journey of Hilarity, Hardship, and Healing.” The performance will be held at the historic Sebastiani Theater next to the Sonoma Plaza in the center of town.

*****Click here to reach the North California pilgrim groups page to order tickets and read more about the bonus (no extra charge) day’s activities. Also info on location, free parking areas, and more. 

**You can also order tickets to the performance here, as well as read more about both the performance and the theater. However, the previous link (above) has all the activities described. Theater info and alternative way to order tickets.  

Event Location and Parking Information: All events will take place adjacent to Sonoma Plaza and Sonoma State Historic Park.Parking: Free all-day parking is available at the public parking lot located at 335 1st St E, Sonoma. Carpooling: Registered participants will have access to an online “Carpool Bulletin Board” to post a message to request or offer a ride.
“Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with the pilgrim community, explore Sonoma’s historic sites, and experience a moving theatrical portrayal of the Camino. Mark your calendars and join us for a day filled with inspiration, camaraderie, and cultural enrichment.”

#8. Reader Question: How to safely hike through an area with grazing cows?  Mary, who lives in the S.F. Bay Area, recently wrote to ask how she could hike with cows nearby. Her background info:
“I recently had multiple bad experiences with cows locally at Lynch Canyon  [near Fairfield], and when I went to Switzerland, of walking through a field where the cows were blocking the hiking path.

“I understand that special caution is required if there seems to be a mother and calf. Regardless, I don’t think this was ever the case for me and I have never approached cows. Once a cow stamped and started running towards me – luckily, I got to the gate in time to let myself out and it followed me along the fence moo-ing and acting quite angry when I did nothing to it.

“In another instance the cows were all staring at me and seemed on alert when I was walking by and indeed started to follow me. At one point I had 12 cows surrounding me. They gathered around while I was hiding under a fence and eventually, they went away after 30 minutes, but they were quite close and trying to eat my bag. I know some people approach cows and pet them. My theory is this behavior is making cows unafraid of humans and they now approach humans (expecting food?).

“Anyway, my fear is genuinely debilitating and I’m fearful of hiking alone and meeting cows. I wasn’t this way until a few weeks ago when I had a series of unfortunate experiences while hiking alone in Switzerland. When I tell people, their first reaction is to laugh. And I agree, it is comical and silly. Then people recommend therapy – but how do I get therapy to cure my bovinophobia?”

“Thanks, Susan and deep appreciation for your work to encourage exploration of the outdoors by foot.”

SO, readers, do you have suggestions to offer for those who love to hike, but feel intimidated by cows?  If so, please send them to me at


Susan ‘backpack45’ Alcorn
Shepherd Canyon Books, Oakland, CA

Author of Walk, Hike, Saunter: Seasoned Women Share Tales and Trails; Healing Miles: Gifts from the Caminos Norte and Primitivo; Patagonia Chronicle: On Foot in Torres del Paine; We’re in the Mountains Not over the Hill: Tales and Tips from Seasoned Women Backpackers; and Camino Chronicle: Walking to Santiago.

Thank you everyone. Stay well, keep hiking when prudent. I encourage you to send in items of interest to the hiking community to me at backpack45 “at sign”

Please note: Hiking and backpacking can be risky endeavors. Always be prepared for emergencies and carry food, water, shelter (warm clothing, etc.), flashlight/headlamp, matches, first aid supplies, and maps. Cell phones don’t always work. Leave word where you are traveling and when you are due back.

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Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales & Tips, May 2024

Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales and Tips, #292 May 2024
1. Seven Reasons to Use a Hiking Umbrella
2. It’s Not Dew
3. Gear Cleaning, Repair, and Maintenance by Treeline Review
4. New rules for airlines should benefit passengers.
Are Baby Rattlesnakes the Most Dangerous Biters?
6. Regional: 
Springtime Hikes in a New Bay Area Preserve: Welcome        to Máyyan ‘Ooyákma /Coyote Ridge
7. Regional: ParkFest: Celebrating 90 Years of Your East Bay Regional Parks

#1Seven Reasons to Use a Hiking Umbrella
And it’s for a lot more than the routine writes Whitney LaRuffa. (Six Moon Designs. Jun 1, 2023.).

1. Shade on a sunny day. We all know the risks of exposure to too much sun and the potential for skin cancer. If you are like me, you burn easily and having to slather on tons of sunblock while hiking can be a chore, not to mention the extra weight in your pack. By using an umbrella, I can walk in the shade all day long, it helps protect me form harmful UV rays all the while keeping me cool as a I pound out the miles.
Susan adds: A couple of years back I did an experiment on my back deck to see how the temperature would differ on our table with and without an umbrella. It was unscientific, but there was a measurable difference in the temperature between the shaded and non-shaded of degrees difference between the two situations. If you are hiking, this can make a big difference in your comfort and physical well-being.   

2. Dry cover on a wet day. Let’s face it, hiking all day in the rain sucks. Besides being soggy, it can chill you to the bone and it makes breaks less than desirable. With an umbrella I can often hike with my rain jacket unzipped, it helps keep me remain drier as I move along, and best of all, it gives me a dry place to relax and snack during breaks.
Susan adds: There have been times when we have needed shelter in order to take a break or have lunch and we have turned to our umbrellas for help.

Lunchtime on the Vezelay Camino Route, France 2018.

3.Better condensation management in rain gear: As stated above I often use my umbrella in conjunction with my rain gear, every hiker has experienced that clammy wet feeling when trudging along in their rain gear, and often ask themselves, am I really any drier in this sweat jacket? Well with an umbrella the outside of my jacket stays dry reducing the condensation, it also allows me to vent my jacket as I move along minimizing the sweat and condensation against my skin.

4. It’s the door to my tarp: When using a flat tarp as a shelter I will often open my umbrella and use it at my head as a makeshift door. While this will not keep out the critters, I have often found it to be a great way to create a small wind break at night. It also provides the mental security of nothing looking at my mug while I sleep soundly in the woods.

5.Protection during nighttime bathroom trips: The only thing worse than trudging through the rain for days on end is when you lay awake at 3 am in your shelter as the rain comes down debating if you should get up and pee or try to hold it until the morning. No one wants to fight getting on rain gear to relieve themselves, but with an umbrella this task becomes easy. Simply crawl out of your bag, slip on your shoes, deploy the umbrella and now you have a dry place to go relieve yourself.

6.Moon blocker when cowboy camping: I cannot tell you how many times I have been cowboy camping only to be wake up in the middle of the night by a big fat moon shining it’s light down on me like a spotlight. Instead of trying to get creative using my Buff as a sleep mask, I simply open my umbrella, and lay my head under its canopy for a great light blocker.

7.Dry place to cook: I won’t get into the details here, but in 2016 I might have burned a whole in the side of my pyramid tent when I was cooking inside trying to avoid the rain. While I came out of the situation unscathed, I can’t say the same for my shelter. I realized that I had the perfect place to stay dry while cooking the whole time – my umbrella. Now when it’s time to heat up some water and cook the morning or evening meal (cold soaking is for folks much harder than me), I simply sit under my umbrella nice and dry.

“I encourage you to consider getting an umbrella before you set off on your next hike. Our Silver Shadow family of umbrellas includes 3 different models to suit everyone’s budgets, both financially and weight wise.”Happy Trails, Whitney “Allgood” LaRuffa

#2. Nope, It’s Not Dew. “Have you ever gone outside on an early spring morning and spied ‘dew’ on the tips of grass blades or along the margin of the leaves? It may actually be guttation, a mixture of plant internal juices that are exuded overnight.” David L. Nelson has the scoop in Bay Nature Magazine. 

Susan: I never took biology so I know little about the photosynthesis (part of the process by which plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen). This article, which I found fascinating, explains part of this process and why what we may have thought was dew is from fog, etc. from the air around us is actually juices excreted by the plant itself. 

Nelson continues: “However, at night, photosynthesis shuts down and the stomata are closed, conserving water. If the soil is moist, the root pressure will increase the pressure in the xylem, forcing the leaf to offload some of the fluid. You could think of it as an emergency escape route. When the plant needs to release fluid, and the stoma are closed, the fluid finds another way out. It exits through specialized pores called hydathodes; they are located at the tip of the blade of grass or at the margin of a leaf, typically at the tip of a marginal tooth or serration. If the humidity is high, the guttation does not rapidly evaporate, but accumulates at the leaf tip.”

#3. Gear Cleaning, Repair, and Maintenance. Treeline Review provides info on how to “clean and repair the gear you have —so you don’t need to buy new.” This is invaluable information for anyone venturing into the backcountry. All the articles in this overviewCleaning, Repair, and MaintenanceThe individual articles:: How to Fix Zippers on Outdoor Gear , Clean and Repair a Down JacketClean and Repair Gore-Tex and Waterproof ShellsHow to Wash a TentHow to Wash a Sleeping BagHow to Repair a Tent

Treeline Review online is free and it’s well worth your time to read their newsletters.  

#4. New rules for airlines should benefit passengers. The Transportation Department on Wednesday, April 24, announced new rules—they are to help with refunds, and avoiding surprise fees late in the booking process.

“Passengers deserve to know upfront what costs they are facing and should get their money back when an airline owes them — without having to ask,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Some of the new rules/changes are:
“There’s now one definition of a “significant” delay.  Now, according to the D.O.T., there will be one standard: when departure or arrival is delayed by three hours for domestic flights and six hours for international flights.”

“Passengers will get prompt refunds for cancellations or significant changes for flights and delayed bags, for any reason. Refunds will be automatic, without passengers having to request them.” They must be made in the form the original purchase was made–check/credit card, etc. and are “due within seven days for credit card purchases and within 20 days for other payments.”

Costs to be given upfront! “Fees for checked baggage and modifying a reservation must be disclosed upfront. Airlines will be required to display extra fees for checking bags and seating selection up front.

The new rules have varying start dates. You can find more details at the United States Department of Transportation link here. 

#5. Are Baby Rattlesnakes More Dangerous than Adults? I am seeing reports that many hikers now are seeing plenty of rattlesnakes on their springtime walks.“Q: Is it true that baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adults?

A: “No, that is one of the many myths about rattlesnakes, says California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Coordinator Laura Patterson. The larger the rattlesnake, the more venom it will deliver when it strikes. Rattlesnakes are shy by nature and will only bite as a last resort when they perceive a serious threat to their lives. Typically, a rattlesnake’s first defensive strategy will be to move away from a perceived threat. If cornered or their escape route is cut off, they will seek cover if available. If the threat continues, they usually coil up and rattle as a warning, although some individual rattlesnakes don’t rattle.

“If the threat continues, they may strike. However, an estimated 25 to 50 percent of bites from rattlesnakes are dry, meaning they choose not to envenomate. It takes the average rattlesnake three weeks to replenish expended venom. Because their venom is intended for immobilizing prey, envenomating a threat they will not eat means they cannot eat for several days to weeks. This is why rattlesnakes do everything they can to avoid unnecessarily using their venom.

“Rattlesnakes can occur almost everywhere in California except alpine areas above tree lines on tall mountains. They can also swim. In most areas, peak rattlesnake activity occurs during spring and summer shortly after they emerge from winter dens.” Visit CDFW’s rattlesnake page for tips on rattlesnake safety.”

#6. Regional: S.F. Bay Area: Springtime Hikes in a New Bay Area Preserve.  Coyote Ridge. Excerpt from an article by Susan Alcorn. “Welcome to Máyyan ‘Ooyákma — Coyote Ridge.”  If you are seeking a hike in the Santa Clara Valley where you likely will find dozens of varieties of wildflowers in springtime, don’t miss seeing the lovely displays at ‘Mayyan ‘Ooyákma — Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve. This grassland area of more than 1,800 acres opened to the public just last August. In springtime, visitors will find colorful wildflower displays along the trails by signing up for a docent-led hike or going on their own with the required Butterfly Pass. The pass, guided tours, entry, and parking are free.

I was lucky enough to get the last ticket for one of the March 2024, Bay Checkerspot Trail tours. The ticket was for one car — visitors can bring as many people as they can safely fit in their car.

“Mayyan Waayi Overlook Trail starts from the parking lot. It travels 1,000 feet on a short spur leading to a loop at the end (like a lollipop). Its gentle grade (5% average) and firm, stabilized, decomposed granite surface make it partially accessible. It leads to a rise with two scenic viewpoints where serpentine (California’s State Rock), wildflowers during the season, and meadowlarks may be enjoyed. Visitors can also enjoy the shaded picnic area. No permits are required to visit.

“The other three trails, Serpentine, Tule Elk, and Bay Checkerspot, form a loop. When docents lead a hike through the entire 5.1-mile loop, they generally do so clockwise because it’s judged safer. It allows hikers to tackle the steeper Serpentine trail going uphill, then cross the ridgetop along the relatively gentle Tule Elk, and descend the hillside on the series of switchbacks down the moderate Bay Checkerspot.”

This is only a portion of my article. You can read the rest here. We went back to the preserve this week and did the whole loop—actually would differ from the advisory’s rating of difficulty. The three sections do vary, but none IMO are particularly difficult. If you do go, check if the trails/preserve is open, be prepared for hot days in summer, and hiking poles are helpful. 

#7. Bay Area Regional: ParkFest:  A celebration of 90 Years of East Bay Regional Parks. Saturday, May 11 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy music, performances, Drakes Brewery, Kids’ Zone, hands-on fun, nature exhibits and displays, food trucks, eco-friendly activities, and more. Lake Chabot Regional Park, 17600 Lake Chabot Rd, Castro Valley, CA 94546. ParkFest is free and accessible to all. A BARTable event, the Regional Parks Foundation is sponsoring free shuttle service to and from the Bay Fair BART station.

“Established in 1934, the East Bay Regional Park District is the largest park district in the nation, with 73 parks, 126,000 acres, and 55 miles of shoreline.

“ParkFest Performers: Grammy Award-Winning Alphabet Rockers, Anthony Ant of Oakadelic, Los Cenzontles, Black Cat Zydeco, White Crane Dragon and Lion Dance Association, the Berkeley High School Jazz Band, Prescott Circus, Asheba Caribbean Music, Silly Circus Show, magic and bubble shows, and more!”
Thank you everyone. Stay well, keep hiking when prudent. I encourage you to send in items of interest to the hiking community to me at backpack45 “at sign”

Susan ‘backpack45’ Alcorn
Shepherd Canyon Books, Oakland, CA

Author of Walk, Hike, Saunter: Seasoned Women Share Tales and Trails; Healing Miles: Gifts from the Caminos Norte and Primitivo; Patagonia Chronicle: On Foot in Torres del Paine; We’re in the Mountains Not over the Hill: Tales and Tips from Seasoned Women Backpackers; and Camino Chronicle: Walking to Santiago.

Please note: Hiking and backpacking can be risky endeavors. Always be prepared for emergencies and carry food, water, shelter (warm clothing, etc.), flashlight/headlamp, matches, first aid supplies, and maps. Cell phones don’t always work. Leave word where you are traveling and when you are due back.

Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales and Tips, April 2024

Susan Alcorn’s Backpacking & Hiking Tales and Tips, #291 April 2024

Olive groves along the Camino Mozarabe, Spain

1. Camino: Great news! A place to store your backpack when going into the cathedral.
2. The end of an era – more from the Yellowstone Winterkeeper story.
3. Yay, i
t’s official! The Tahoe National Forest will be developing a 72-mile multi-use trail connecting Nevada City and Truckee, Calif.
Mountains on Stage — Program Summer 2024
5. Safety for Day Hikers
ALDHA-West Gathering
Regional: Nor Cal Pilgrims group
8. Notes from Susan

#1. Camino interest: Guy Joaquin, Co-coordinator of Northern California Camino Pilgrims, forwarded this important news about backpack storage when going into the cathedral in Santiago–and while visiting the city.

 “The main office of Correos (the Spanish postal service) in Santiago on Rúa do Franco, just a few minutes’ walk from the Cathedral, is now open 7 days a week. This is particularly good news as there is now a secure place every day to deposit backpacks before going into the Cathedral (they are no longer allowed in).”

Correos also extends the opening of the Santiago locker for pilgrims. The postal service will offer the storage of luggage at the main office in Santiago de Compostela, in Rúa do Franco, seven days a week, 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.” (Europa Press/Friday, March 1, 2024, 3:54 p.m.)

#2. The end of an era? More from the Yellowstone Winterkeeper story. “With 50 years of solitude, Steven Fuller is a living legend in Yellowstone and an endangered 21st century icon. Story by Todd Wilkinson

If you missed my earlier story about Yellowstone’s Winterkeeper in last month’s newsletter, you can find it here. 

#3. A new trail in the making! It’s official! The Tahoe National Forest will be developing a 72-mile multi-use trail connecting Nevada City and Truckee, Calif. “Are you interested in hiking, biking or horseback riding? Tahoe National Forest’s Pines to Mines Trail will welcome equestrians, pedestrians, bicyclists and Class 1 e-bike users on the new 72-mile trail network. The trail’s development aims to increase national forest recreation access for multiple user groups and abilities while supporting local economic development. The trail will include approximately 50 miles of existing trail with 22 miles of new trail, planned to begin construction this year.  

#4. Mountains on Stage[Susan writes: A couple of years back, we attended one of the film-showings locally. It was inexpensive, not-crowded, and great fun–so check out this year’s programing. The festival was born in March 2013 and since then, the festival has been growing year after year, not only in France but also in Europe and the U.S.

Film selections: 
#1. DEEPFREEZE : Themes: mountaineering, winter, Grandes Jorasses.
Athletes: Charles Dubouloz, Symon Welfringer and Clovis Paulin
#2. SEA TO SUMMIT : Themes: big wall, kayak, Greenland.
Athletes: Jacob Cook, Bronwyn Hodgins, Angela Vanwiemeersch, Kelsey Watts and Zack Goldberg-Poch
#3. FOND OF FONT : Themes: bouldering, 100 7A sequence, Fontainebleau.
Athletes: Seb Berthe and Hugo Parmentier
#4. SUBTERRANEAN : Themes: caving, cave systems, Canada. Athletes: Franck Tuot and his team.
TOUR DATES in the U.S. 

5, Safety for Day Hikers. Susan writes: It seems so-o-o-easy, you and your friends drive to a regional park and set out to walk a couple of miles looking for the newly popping wildflowers. Though it’s after work and late in the day, the days are getting longer, so no problem! Afterwards, you plan to return to your car, and perhaps stop for a beer and snacks during Happy Hour before heading home. But then, just about the time your group decides to turn around and head back, one of your party twists an ankle. Even though you are not far from town, a nearby hill blocks cell reception. The beautiful sunset you were all enjoying moments earlier, is slowly fading….

None of us wants or expects an emergency, but they happen. The 10 Essentials are not just for multi-day backpacking trips, they are also important for day hikers. Bring the 10 Essentials and save everyone in your party some grief.
1. Navigation
2. Headlamp
3. Sun Protection
4. First aid
5. Knife
6. Fire (matches/lighter)
7. Shelter
8. Extra Food
9. Extra water
10.Extra Clothes
(Thank you for providing us the list, Jack Haskel: PCT Communicator, Spring 2023.)

#6. The ALDHA-West Gathering: 
ALDHA-West (American Long Distance Hiking Association West). “Save the date for the ALDHA-West Gathering! September 27-29 at Camp Augusta, in Nevada City, CA. Highlights include the Triple Crown Award Ceremony, the Martin Papendick Award for “Trail Angel of the Year”, invited VIP speakers, Hiker Olympics, our legendary GEAR RAFFLE, and plenty of social time with your hiking community. Meals included! Registration will be coming soon. Join us! “

#7. Regional: Nor Cal Pilgrims group’s upcoming events. Find the details on Facebook as they are posted.
April 6. Lake Merritt Walk (Oakland). First Saturday every month.
April 14-May 5. Basic Spanish for the Camino (online)
April 20, Lake Cabot Hike (Castro Valley_)
April 14. Francigena (online)
April 27. Sugarloaf/Bald Mtn. Hike (Kenwood)
May 4. Lake Merritt Walk (Oakland)
May 18. Crosstown Trail Hike (S.F.)

#8. Note from Susan: Where we are enjoying spring. Ralph and I are thoroughly enjoying the local hikes that we have been having. Since we have both been fighting colds, we have been hiking on our own, but thoroughly enjoying trails on Mt. Diablo (Contra Costa County), Jepson Preserve near Suisun City/Dixon (Sonoma County); Morgan Territory (Alameda County). Prior to the wicked colds, we were able to join a guided hike at a brand-new park—the Máyyan ´Ooyákma (Coyote Ridge) (Santa Clara County), and to watch the spectacular elephant seal colony at Drake’s Beach (Marin County). 

Once back in circulation (shortly!), we hope to continue on with our circumnavigation of the Bay Area Ridge Trail. “The Bay Area Ridge Trail is a planned 550-mile multi-use trail along the hill and mountain ridgelines surrounding the San Francisco Bay Area, in Northern California. Currently, 400+ miles have been established. We, with our friends Patricia Schaffarczyk and Tom Coroneos, have hiked a bit more than 300+ miles of the trail so far.

The next big event on the Ridge Trail is the Ridge to Bridge on Saturday, April 13. Participants can choose between: a 6 Mile, 13 Mile, or 18 Mile Hike; 20 Mile Bike Ride; and an 8 Mile Equestrian Ride .

Thank you everyone. Stay well, keep hiking when prudent. I encourage you to send in items of interest to the hiking community to me at backpack45 “at sign”

Susan ‘backpack45’ Alcorn
Shepherd Canyon Books, Oakland, CA

Author of Walk, Hike, Saunter: Seasoned Women Share Tales and Trails; Healing Miles: Gifts from the Caminos Norte and Primitivo; Patagonia Chronicle: On Foot in Torres del Paine; We’re in the Mountains Not over the Hill: Tales and Tips from Seasoned Women Backpackers; and Camino Chronicle: Walking to Santiago.

Please note: Hiking and backpacking can be risky endeavors. Always be prepared for emergencies and carry food, water, shelter (warm clothing, etc.), flashlight/headlamp, matches, first aid supplies, and maps. Cell phones don’t always work. Leave word where you are traveling and when you are due back.